Hosted Exchange Outlook 2003/2007 on Windows XP/Vista

NOTE: If you are running Windows XP in 2021, Microsoft has been starting to remove the ability to use XP & older versions of Hosted Exchange, we recommend (And the Microsoft Update tool recommends) to update the Operating system to Windows 10, and Windows 8.1 at the minimum.

Our new pre-setup software will automatically create a new Outlook profile for your Hosted Exchange mailbox. Please follow the steps below for our tool to get you started. Please note, this tool will not create your mailbox on the Exchange Server.  If you are unsure whether your mailbox has been created already, please contact your company administrator.

NOTE: If you are running an Outlook version that is NOT Outlook 2012, we recommend upgrading to Outlook 2012 or more recent, as 2000/2003/2007 has been started to be prevented on Windows XP and Windows 7 users.

NOTE: If you are running Windows XP, please ensure that your system is updated to at least Service Pack 2 (SP2). You can use Microsoft’s Windows Update tool found here.

How to setup Microsoft Outlook 2003/2007 to use Hosted Exchange:

1. Close Microsoft Outlook if it is open.

2. Download and run the pre-setup software. Click on this link – Auto Setup Tool – and select Open or Run.

NOTE: Some browsers may require you to save the file before you can run it.

3. Click on Setup


4. Select RPC/HTTP unless otherwise instructed by your administrator or support personnel.
Enter your email address and hit Next.


5. You will see the following information box:

Click on OK. 

6. The login window will come up and prompt you to login. Enter your Hosted Exchange email address and password:

Click on OK.

7. Click on Finish 
NOTE: This window may be hidden behind the Outlook window.


8. Outlook will open automatically and you will be prompted to select a profile. The profile name will be in the following format: “Exchange Hosting {your email address}
Select it and click on OK.


9. You will be asked to login again. Please do so.

10. There may be a window that comes up stating “Your Microsoft Exchange Server is unavailable.”, please click on Retry if it does.

11. You’re ready to use Outlook! Every time you start Outlook, you will be prompted to logon with your username and password.