1. Install and configure your modem
as detailed in the modem documentation.
2. Install Remote Access Service and Dial-Up Networking
per your Windows NT 4.0 instructions. Double-click on Dial-Up Networking and selectNew…..
Enter EasyStreet as the phonebook entry name.
Select Next.
2. Server dialog
Check I am calling the Internet.
Select Next.
3. Modem or adapter dialog
Select your modem
Select Next.
4. Phone number dialog
Enter the most appropriate number for your location: Portland 503-677-2100, Vancouver 360-816-2121, or 800 access 800-585-3279 (15 cents per minute)
Select Next then Finish.
3. Now we need to adjust the properties.
Select the EasyStreet entry and select More….edit entry and modem properties. Fill in the entries in each of the tabs as below.
Basic tab
Entry name: EasyStreet
Phone number: (from the list at left)
Dial using: (your modem)
Configure tab
Check Enable hardware flow control
Check Enable modem error control
Check Enable modem compression
Server tab
Network Protocols Check TCP/IP
Check Enable software compression
Check Enable PPP LCP extensions
Click on TCP/IP Settings…
TCP/IP Settings:
Check Server assigned IP address
Check Specify name server addresses
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
Check Use IP header compression
Check Use default gateway on remote network
Click OK
Script tab
After dialing (login) Check None
Security tab
Check Accept any authentication including clear text
4. That’s it.
Select Dial…. from the Dial-Up Networking dialog and fill in your Access Username and Access Password. The DOMAIN entry should be empty.